Understanding the Branch Controller in a VRF System

A branch controller allows the variable refrigerant flow (VRF) system to transfer heat and cool air simultaneously to different units as required. VRF system installers install branch controllers in secure places such as the ceiling or basement of any building. As the video illustrates, a branch controller consists of various parts, each with its own functions.

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Here’s the insight:

On the outside, every branch controller connects to two layers of various indoor air handlers. The first layer rests above the other and constitutes the liquid line. The layer sitting below forms the suction line. VRF system installers need to understand the inside of a branch controller. It has a linear expansion valve responsible for proper refrigerant metering. The small depressor inside the linear expansion valve helps it open and close effortlessly, making the refrigerant meter seamless.

Also, solenoids inside the branch controller unit hook to the air handler lines. The solenoids enable the handler lines to open and change the refrigerant flow from cool to heat, and vice versa. The branch controller also contains sensors for controlling temperature. VRF system installers should ensure sensors sit and read correctly. Otherwise, the branch controller will meter incorrectly, affecting the entire VRF system. Frequent maintenance ensures consistent proper functioning of the branch controller.


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